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Simulated "Temperature Sensor" using LM35 and ATmega16

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LM35 temperature sensor is an electronic component that has the function to change the temperature scale into electrical quantities in the form of voltage.

LM35 has a high accuracy and ease of design when compared to other temperature sensors. LM35 Also has a low output impedance and high linearity that can be easily connected with the control special circuit and does not require further adjustment.

Characteristics of the LM35

1.  Temperature sensitivity, with linear scaling factor between the voltage and temperature of 10 mV/0C, so it can be calibrated directly in Celcius.
2.   Having accuracy or calibration accuracy of 0.50C at a temperature 50C.
3.   Has a maximum range of operating temperatures between -550C till +1500C.
4.   work at a voltage of 4 - 30 volts.
5.   Have low currents of less than 60 mA.
6.   Have a low self-heating (low-heating) of less than 0.10C on the constant air.
7.   Has a low output impedance is 0.1 W for 1 mA load.
8.   Having nonlinearities only about 1/4 0C.


AVR is a series of 8-bit CMOS microcontroller Atmel artificial, based on RISC architecture (Reduced Instruction Set Computer). Almost all instruction executed in one clock cycle. AVR has 32 general-purpose registers, timers / counters flexible with fashion compare, internal and external interrupts, serial UART, programmable Watchdog Timer, and power saving mode, the internal ADC and PWM. AVR also has In-System Programmable Flash on-chip allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in the system using SPI serial connection.

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

Liquid Crystal Display or commonly known as the LCD is a visualization tool that is used to display information in the form of graphs, number and letters. LCD can be combined with a microcontroller as the output interface of process conducted by  the microcontroller.

How to create a simulated " temperature sensor " using proteus

After identifying two core components of the temperature sensor, next will be explained how to make the simulation using software proteus isis. simulation of the temperature sensor using LM35 and ATmega16.

This simulation tutorial focuses on microcontroller circuit and a simple electronic circuit, because if you are already adept at using a simple simulation of microcontrollers and electronics, then it implies that you also are able to do simulations for other electronic circuits.

Components used:
1.   ATmega16
2.   Cap
3.   Cap-POL
4.   Crystal
5.   LM016L
6.   LM35
7.   RES
8.   Button

Schematic proteus program that will be created:

Here is a a quick guide to make the simulation above:

·         Click the Component Mode toolbar and then click the button P on the lower left side DEVICES menu. List the components used are as follows :

·         To display the VCC terminal and the GROUND please click Terminal Mode toolbar. In my LM35 output using an output terminal, while Port A.0 atmega16 I use an input terminal. This I do to simplify wiring, because basically the use of input and output terminals are functioning as a link that interconnects, provided the name of the input and output terminals are the same (here I use PA0).

·         Then use a measuring instrument voltage at the output of LM35. I click Virtual Instruments Mode toolbar and then select the DC voltmeter. Then connect the voltmeter probes each point to be measured (in this case the output of LM35 with GND).

·         Then fill out the program to ATmega16, how, double click on the ATmega16, it will appear as shown below. Fill in the program in the column Program Files (can be a .hex file or .cof) and for its Clock Frequency is optional (can be changed).

·         and then the simulation is ready for use, but before using simulation, needs to be done checking the quantities of each component in order to avoid errors in the measurement of the simulation.

Programs loaded on ATmega16 AVR is made using CodeVision AVR, the following is a list of programs and simulation. Download Click Here File Program.
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